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to zestaw komponentów oprogramowania, które umożliwia programistom dodanie silnych zabezpieczeń do ich aplikacji do ochrony danych, plików binarnych, dokumentów oraz e-maile.
Zawiera autentyczne implementacje (bez kodu 3rd party używany) różnych standardów bezpieczeństwa danych oraz protokołów komunikacyjnych sieci dla różnych platform (Windows, .NET, Linux, MacOS X / iOS, Java / Android).

Eldos SecureBlackbox

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CallbackDisk to składnik oprogramowania do wykorzystania w rozwoju oprogramowania systemu Windows, która umożliwia tworzenie aplikacji wirtualnych napędów i dysków, sformatować na FAT lub NTFS lub innego systemu plików, i zamontować tak, jakby były urządzenia fizyczne.


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CallbackFilter umożliwia monitorowanie i kontrola operacji aktywność dysku, plików i katalogów (utwór tworzyć, czytać, pisać, zmieniać nazwy itp), zmiany danych plików, szyfrowanie plików i wiele więcej ...

CallbackFilter jest elementem do wykorzystania w rozwoju oprogramowania dla platformy Windows.


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Direct Payment Integrator V6 .NET Edition

narzędzia programistyczne

Direct Payment Integrator includes components for direct credit card authorization and transaction processing through major Internet payment processors including First Data Merchant Services, TSYS, Heartland, Paymentech, and Global Payments. Certified support for Retail, E-Commerce, Direct Marketing, Healthcare, Restaurant, Hotel, and more!

Direct Payment Integrator V6 .NET Edition

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E-Payment Integrator V6 .NET Edition

narzędzia programistyczne

Internet E-Commerce simplified. E-Payment Integrator includes components for Credit Card & Electronic Check (ACH) processing & 3-D Secure Authorization via major Internet payment gateways. Rock-solid E-Commerce components trusted by thousands of developers worldwide.

E-Payment Integrator V6 .NET Edition

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EDI Integrator V9 .NET Edition

narzędzia programistyczne

The EDI Integrator (previously IP*Works! EDI) includes software components that facilitate Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) mapping and translation (X12 & EDIFACT), as well as the transmission of secure transactions over the Internet. The components are based on leading EDI-INT protocols for secure EDI communications such as AS2, SFTP, OFTP, RosettaNet, etc.

EDI Integrator V9 .NET Edition

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EDIFACT Integrator .NET Edition

narzędzia programistyczne

The EDIFACT Integrator includes software components that facilitate Electronic Data Interchange (EDIFACT) parsing, translation, and transformation. The components include flexible schema support enabling developers to use various schema formats allowing for easier integration with existing EDI processing applications.

EDIFACT Integrator .NET Edition

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Callback File System (CBFS)

Umożliwia tworzenie wirtualnych systemów plików i dysków, które pozwalają wystawiać i zarządzać danymi zdalnych tak, jakby były pliki na dysku lokalnym.

Callback File System to zestaw SDK (Software Development Kit, elementem do wykorzystania w rozwoju oprogramowania) dla platformy Windows.

Eldos Callback File System® (CBFS®)

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ERP (SAP) Integrator V2 .NET Edition

narzędzia programistyczne

Native software components that enable developers to easily integrate connectivity with SAP systems regardless of development technology. The ERP Integrator supports RFCs and SAP services and allows developers to easily write desktop, server, and mobile applications for connecting to SAP.

ERP (SAP) Integrator V2 .NET Edition

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  • nowość
IP*Works! is a comprehensive framework for Internet development and is the core building block for most /n software products. IP*Works! eliminates the complexity of Internet development, providing easy-to-use, programmable components that facilitate tasks such as sending email, transferring files, managing networks, browsing the Web, consuming Web Services, etc.


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IP*Works! 2016 .NET Edition

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The most comprehensive suite of components for professional Internet development. For more than a decade IP*Works! has been powering connectivity solutions for almost every Fortune 500 and Global 2000 company as well as thousands of independent software developers worldwide.

IP*Works! 2016 .NET Edition

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IP*Works! Bluetooth .NET Edition

komponenty programistyczne

A suite of Bluetooth components providing straightforward access to Bluetooth operations. The IP*Work! Bluetooth components provides simple access to device and service discovery as well as standard client/server interfaces for RFCOMM and L2CAP sockets.

IP*Works! Bluetooth .NET Edition

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IP*Works! Encrypt V9 .NET Edition

narzędzia programistyczne

IP*Works! Encrypt is a powerful suite of cryptography components that enable developers to easily add strong encryption capabilities to any application. Encrypt and decrypt files, emails, documents, and messages through major cryptographic standards, including S/MIME, OpenPGP, TripleDES, TwoFish, RSA, AES, etc. Complete with X.509 and OpenPGP certificate management.

IP*Works! Encrypt V9 .NET Edition

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IP*Works! IPC is a suite of components for inter-process communications (IPC) through Named Pipes. The component suite includes client, server, and remote execution components enabling straightforward peer-to-peer communication between related or unrelated processes.

IP*Works! IPC

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