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mobile phones, bikes, cameras & laptops are only a handful of the personal possessions stolen every day.

hermes is a property registration tool, data collection kit and awareness campaign deployed within the police community to drive mass registration of property onto the national mobile property register (nmpr) via the immobilise database.

Used as part of an anti-crime initiative, HERMES is proven to act as a clear deterrent to both opportunistic thieves and serial offenders. Registered property is less desirable and valuable to thieves and handlers.

Promote & deter

The 'Get it Logged. Get it Back!' campaign promotes and informs communities of the need to log their personal possessions onto the Immobilise database. Whilst the 'Got it Logged' property marking stickers are a powerful deterrent to would-be thieves.

Register & reassure

The HERMES property registration scanner provides Police, Community Support, Schools and Universities with a fast, accurate and secure way to register personal property onto the Immobilise database.

Actively promoting the registration of property onto Immobilise via the 'Get it Logged. Get it Back!' campaign, reassures communities that, if they become a victim of property theft, the police have an increased chance of recovering their property and catching the perpetrators.

Identify & capture

The HERMES handheld property ownership scanner provides Police Officers with the ability to identify stolen property immediately. It enables officers to carry out both large scale, strategically-planned investigations and smaller scale, instant spot checks on goods in the possession of known offenders, second-hand dealers and car boot sales.

'Get it Logged' campaign material is split between, Promotion, Information and Deterrent – each playing a vital part to educate communities and deter theft. Forces can choose from a variety of collateral, from vertical banners suitable for public awareness campaigns within shopping centres to beer mats, for campaigns within University campuses and café culture.

 Click on examples to enlarge

The HERMES property protection pack works together to Promote, Inform & Deter, helping to tackle the problem of property theft and is proven to drastically cut crime.

In Torbay, HERMES was used to register the property of residents in burglary hotspot areas.

'The overall success was measured by a near 80% reduction in offences of dwelling burglary in areas targeted, which wasn't displaced to a neighbouring area. This reduction is still continuing over eighteen months later.'

DS Karl Rowland,Devon and Cornwall Police.

HERMES laptops are being used extensively across the City of Birmingham by the Safer Birmingham Partnership and its partner agencies, which include the Local Authority, Police and Fire Service, to name but a few! They are being used as a key part of their drive to engage with the public and support the initiative to reduce serious acquisitive crime.

'The HERMES system has provided a user-friendly way of supporting these achievements and is also proving a great tool for improving trust and confidence.'

Dan Gibbin, Safer Birmingham Partnership.

In Ealing, over 490 mobile phones and other devices were checked using the property ownership scanner, as part of several operations. Following the identification of stolen items, four arrests were made, two premises closed down and numerous additional items of stolen property were found and recovered.

'We are delighted with the effectiveness of this equipment. The kit can no doubt play an important role in targeting and reducing levels of crime.'

Detective Constable Scott Pavitt, Ealing Borough Command Unit, Metropolitan Police Service.

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