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What’s New in dotCover 3?

The latest dotCover delivers remote code coverage to help you conserve resources on your local machine; a restyled coverage configuration dialog; a new coverage controller; and support for ReSharper 9 and Visual Studio 2015 Preview.

Run coverage analysis on a remote machine

Remote code coverage

Now you can run coverage analysis of unit tests on a remote machine and save resources on your local computer.

After you start coverage analysis, dotCover sends the binaries and the list of tests to be executed to a remote server. All calculations are executed by the server, and the coverage snapshot is send back to your machine. You can then study coverage results the same way as if they were gathered locally.

Refined coverage configuration dialog box

Refined coverage configuration

Meet redesigned coverage configuration dialog box. Here you can select an application type and configuring related preferences when you start manual test session for an external application.

Coverage scope definition

Custom coverage scope

dotCover provides you with ability to include not covered solution assemblies into the coverage results. New option is available from ReSharper -> Options menu item from Visual Studio.

Additionally, now you can change the scope of assemblies whose information should be added to the snapshot with new "Scope" parameter in console runner. Note that everything excluded with filters is excluded anyway regardless of the specified scopes.

Updated coverage controller

Updated coverage controller

dotCover 3 receives an updated coverage controller of a manual test session.

New controller provides you with two snapshot getting options: to record or not coverage results right after taking the snapshot.

Minimalistic design allows you to save valuable space during the coverage session. You can use the expand/collapse button to show or hide details view.

A new shared platform for JetBrains .NET tools

Brand new platform

Starting from dotCover 3.0 all JetBrains .NET tools are operate on a shared platform, which conserves resources when several products are running at the same time. By a single installer you simply choose which products you want to install and let the installer do the rest.

ReSharper 9 support

ReSharper 9 support

No need to say that dotCover 3 compatible with the latest ReSharper 9. Another advantage related to shared platform is single menu item for all platform tools functionality. Now all dotCover actions are placed under ReSharper menu item.

Visual Studio 2015 integration

dotCover 3 integrated with Visual Studio 2015 Preview. You can run unit tests and analyze coverage results in Visual Studio 2015.

Visual Studio 2010, 2012 and 2013 are still supported, too.

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