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USB Redirector

Dostęp do urządzeń USB poprzez sieć LAN , WLAN lub Internet .

To oprogramowanie pozwala zdalnie używać udostępnionych urządzeń USB na dowolnym komputerze w sieci LAN, WLAN lub Internet, jakby były podłączone do tego komputera bezpośrednio!

USB Redirector pozwala rozwiązać wszystkie zadania bardzo szybko doszło, gdy za pomocą zdalnych urządzeń USB! USB Redirector może działać zarówno serwera i klienta USB USB.

USB Redirector używa regularne połączenie TCP / IP do komunikacji.

USB Redirector Klient DARMO jest dostępny!

USB Redirector product suits you if you need to:

  • Access USB devices in Hyper-V virtual machine.
  • Access USB devices remotely in any other virtual machine.
  • Organize full-featured USB Server for users in your corporate or home network.
  • Use USB device on a computer where USB ports are damaged or missing.
  • Redirect USB devices between computers in your home network.
  • Remotely use a USB device plugged into Linux-based computer.
  • Limit physical access to USB device, but make it available for users in your network.
USB Redirector screenshot showing shared USB devices

USB Redirector works as background service:

USB Redirector works as a background service, this means you don't have to keep the app open all the time. Once you have finished configuring the program, you can safely close it. USB Redirector will continue to work even when no user is logged on or after reboot. All the devices that you have shared will remain shared.

Redirect USB device in 5 steps:

  • Step 1: Install USB Redirector on a PC where USB devices which you want to share are plugged in. This computer will act as USB server.
  • Step 2: Share required USB device on USB server.

Sharing a USB device

NOTE: when USB device is shared, it can not be used locally, because it is acquired for individual usage by remote USB clients! To make the device available locally again, you need to unshare it.

  • Step3. Install USB Redirector Client on a PC where you need to use USB devices remotely. This will be your USB client.
  • Step4. Create a direct connection from USB client to USB server or callback connection from USB server to USB client.

Adding a USB server

  • Step5. In the list of available USB devices choose the needed one and press Connect.

Connecting a USB device on remote side

  • Result: On remote PC you can work with USB device

Use USB device remotely

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